Expert Advisors

In addition to our very own capable CFO team, we have surrounded ourselves with a network of excellent, third-party advisors and consulting firms that include estate planning attorneys, pension consultants, insurance specialists, tax professionals and small-business consultants. Our select network of independent, outside advisors provides the CFO advisory team with an important source of timely input, thereby keeping our CFO knowledge base very current – as well as the firm's overhead and client fees very reasonable!

In addition, and whenever appropriate through the course of providing financial and investment advisory services to our CFO clients, we may also directly refer a client to any one of our third-party advisors or consulting firms. This type of direct referral occurs most always at the specific request of the client, and whenever it relates to implementing a service that CFO does not provide such as a new estate plan. [We do not practice law!] This type of CFO referral notwithstanding, our network of third-party advisors and consulting firms are totally independent from CFO and our agents, employees or associated persons.